Extracts from these rolls can be found at the British Museum [Harleian MS. 320, f 42.] An outline of what they contain are as follows:
Grants of castles, lands, and other possessions, and confirmation of former charters,
Letters of protection and safe conduct,
Appointments of justices,
Inquistions of various kinds,
Presentations to churches,
Appointments of constables and governors of castles, and removal from appointments
Grants of freedom,
Committals to prison, and arrests
Grants of wardship,
Writs (orders) to receive money,
Grants to fairs,
Liberty to trade,
Free from toll,
Release from debt,
Exchanges of land,
Orders for dower, for support of children, and for homage,
Appointments to military rank, and
Settlements and other entries.
Wow, a gold mine for the Welsh genealogist!