Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Reference

References to aid your Welsh genealogical research are hard to find.  In America, this is especially true for the genealogist who are lucky enough to find their tree branches reaching back to Wales.

The above text written by Charles M. Franklin is a reference that has been very helpful.  It was published in 1995 by Heritage House, Indianapolis, IN.  I ran across this copy in one of those book stores that can only be found with difficulty.    The contents are : 1) Wales: Its History , 2) Welsh in America, 3) Research in Wales, 4) Basic Welsh for Genealogists , 5) What's in A Name , 6) Welsh Towns and Their Counties, and a detailed bibliography. 

It has a section on post-1974 Welsh Counties that were formed after a reorganization.  This "reorganization" has been returned to the original counties.  [Interesting aspect in Welsh history.]

Well, here is a reference that for those of American Welsh descent may find helpful.